Policy Statement
Our Moving Stories is an organisation that strives towards inclusion, accessibility and excellence in movement, dance and arts practice, be that through community participation, education, or performance events.
With a focus on community, wellbeing, creativity and learning we are committed to practise which protects all, including children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or religion. Staff and volunteers in our organisation recognise that it is everybody’s responsibility to keep vulnerable people safe and develop awareness in relation to issues that may cause harm.
This policy applies to all staff members inclusive of guest artists, volunteers, placement students or anyone working on behalf of Our Moving Stories CIC.
All young people under the age of 18 years of age.
Vulnerable Young Person
Those under the age of 25 years who have difficulty protecting themselves from harm, due to physical, communication, perceptual or emotional difficulties.
Adult at Risk
A person over the age of 18 who
- Has needs for care and support
- Is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect (including self neglect)
- As a result of care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk, or experience of abuse and/or neglect.
The steps taken by all in the organisation to protect and promote the welfare of all, including children, vulnerable young people and adults at risk.
Policy Purpose
We recognise that we have a duty of care to keep all those we work with safe. We aim to ensure that all children, vulnerable young people and adults at risk have the best possible outcomes through their interactions with Our Moving Stories.
- To protect children, vulnerable young people and adults at risk in all settings.
- To treat all with respect and dignity.
- To provide all staff and those working on behalf of Our Moving Stories with the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding and child protection.
- To establish and adhere to best practice in safeguarding to keep children, young people and adults at risk safe from harm.
- To establish guidelines for the practice of safe touch in a movement and dance context.
- To ensure that informed and confident responses to specific safeguarding and child protection issues can be made.
Legal Framework
This policy is underpinned by current legislation, government guidance and standards and designed to ensure people are protected from harm.
- The Equality Act 2010
- Working together to Safeguard Children 2015
- The Childrens Act 2004
- Human Rights Act 1998 and The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- The Disability Discrimination act 2005
Our Moving Stories recognises that:
- The welfare of all is paramount
- No person or group of people must be treated any less favourably than others in being able to access services that meet their particular needs
- All people without exception have the right to protection from abuse regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs.
Our Moving Stories will keep people safe by ensuring:
- All staff, volunteers, placement students and those working on behalf of the organisation adhere to this policy.
- Participants including parents of children are informed of the policy and procedures
- All concerns and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to appropriately
Code of Conduct
All Our Moving Stories teachers, guest artists and volunteers must:
- Treat all with dignity and respect
- Demonstrate best practice and good conduct at all times
- Ensure that whenever possible there is more than one adult present during activities with children and young people
- Recognise that special caution is required when discussing sensitive issues with children, young people or adults at risk
- Respect a young person’s right to personal privacy
- Report all allegations or suspicions of abuse to the safeguarding lead
Safe Touch
- Our Moving Stories recognises that movement and dance settings may sometimes require a level of physical contact. The teacher should in each instance seek permission to touch and explain the intention of the physical contact in relation to the movement class. If a participant refuses or indicates they are uncomfortable the teacher should refrain.
- When entering a school or organisation the instructor/teacher/artist should check the safeguarding/touch policy that the school already has in place and any related permissions from parents/guardians.
Recruitment and Training of Staff, Volunteers and Placement Students
- All staff, volunteers and those working on behalf of Our Moving Stories in a movement teaching context must be in possession of a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. Your DBS reference number will be noted and the details kept on file.
The Disclosure and Barring Service is an impartial and confidential document provided by the government. It provides details of an individual’s criminal record and where appropriate those who are prevented from working with children or vulnerable adults.
- Instructors, facilitators and teachers will provide relevant qualifications for the given activity and will all undergo safeguarding training.
Safeguarding Lead
Our Moving Stories
Sarah Sulemanji - Director
Telephone: 07732474294
Email: sarah@ourmovingstories.com
Referral Procedures
- Anyone who is made aware of actual or possible abuse, neglect or serious harm should report and discuss their concerns as soon as possible to the safeguarding lead.
- Any incidents, disclosures or observations should be documented and recorded.
- We recognise that it is not the responsibility of anyone working with Our Moving Stories to decide whether or not abuse has taken place.
- There is a responsibility to act by contacting the appropriate authorities and signposting to relevant support.
- Confidentiality - We will make every effort to maintain confidentiality, handling and disclosing information on a strictly need-to-know basis only.
- Bullying - Our Moving Stories has a zero tolerance policy regarding bullying. Any sign of bullying will be taken seriously and people encouraged to speak about their concerns. All allegations will be taken seriously and investigated with actions taken to ensure safety of the victim. Please report any concerns to Our Moving Stories staff so that appropriate action can be taken.
- We will fully protect anyone who in good faith reports their concern that a colleague/employee is, or may be engaging in abusive behaviour or bullying
Guidance for responding to disclosure of abuse, harm or bullying
- Stay Calm
- Listen carefully to what is said
- Do not promise to keep secrets, find an appropriate early opportunity to explain that it is likely the information will need to be shared with others on a need-to-know basis
- Allow the person disclosing information to proceed at their own pace
- Reassure them they have done the right thing by telling you
- Explain what the next steps are and with whom the information will be shared
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) - The MASH sits within Ealing Children’s Integrated Response Service (ECIRS).
- Ealing MASH is a partnership of professionals from the three statutory children's safeguarding agencies (Children’s social care/Police/Health) and other agencies/services that work together to consider safeguarding referrals where the level of risk and need is unclear or complex.
- Managers in ECIRS will decide if a referral should be discussed in the MASH meeting.
- The MASH helps protect vulnerable children through effective information sharing - done in accordance with data protection legislation and guidance and within the London-wide Multi-Agency Safeguarding Data Sharing Agreement.
Ealing Children's Integrated Response Service (ECIRS) acts as a single front door for all enquiries and referrals into Ealing children’s services from professionals/practitioners and the public, where there are concerns about the welfare or safety of a child or young person (pre-birth to 18 years).
- If at any time you become concerned that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm call ECIRS immediately on 020 8825 8000 (24 hours for emergency calls). If a child is in immediate danger call the Police on 999.
- Referrals can be made by telephone on 020 8825 8000, email ECIRS@ealing.gov.uk or in writing to:
Ealing Children's Integrated Response Service
Perceval House
2nd Floor blue area
14-16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 2HL
Use of Photography and Filming
- We request consent/parental consent for any photographs and filming before an event/ class/ workshop or performance takes place.
- Filming and photographs of participants will be used in a professional manner for social media and marketing purposes. In all instances written consent will be sought from all participants.
- Any external photographers/videographers will be supervised when having access to children, young people and adults at risk.
Contact Details for Relevant External Agencies
Ealing Safeguarding Children Partnership
020 8825 5588
National Centre for Domestic Violence
0800 970 2070
NSPCC Child Protection
0800 800 500
Child Protection in Sport Unit
01163 665 590
Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre
020 72405703